May 29, 2016
Episode 97 Full Auto All the Things! - This week the hosts discuss upgrading their computer equipment, shooting full auto riffles, how a shoe string with a rubber band became classified as a machine gun, getting things in order to purchase suppressors, and as usual the conversation goes all over the place. Listen...
May 22, 2016
Episode 96 Feedback Loop of Insanity - This week Matt and Adam talk about Magic the Gathering, Mag40, Overheating CPU's, and all sorts of squirrelly wrath!
Intro Music - 3 Doors Down - Kryptonite
May 15, 2016
Episode 95 Origins of Heinrich - This week Matt and Heinrich jump in to talk about their time at Mag 40 and Adam managed to dig up the remains of the original take 1 of episode 94. Listen and find out what you almost missed!
Intro Music: Cupid - Cupid Shuffle
May 10, 2016
Episode 94 Scene 94, Take Two: Meltdown - This week the hosts discuss some of the recent LFD research shenanigans, Matt's finally getting back on the Netflix band wagon, Adam's relentless creation of depressing music, and a little behind the scenes insight to the reason why this is "Take 2"...
This weeks music;
May 2, 2016
Episode 93 (Not So) Smart Guns- This week Matt and Heinrich discuss Smart Gun technology and what it could mean for gun owners, and as usual, they chase a few squirrels.