Nov 29, 2015
Episode 71 Dogmeat No...- This week the hosts are exploring the wasteland of black friday, the middle east and fallout.
You can email the show with questions or comments...
Nov 23, 2015
Episode 70 Don't Taunt the Editor - This week the hosts discuss a little Fallout, a little reloading, some homemade chamber safety flags for revolvers, and they get a friendly reminder that you should never taunt the editor.
Nov 16, 2015
Episode 69 Entering the Wasteland - This week the hosts discuss the new Fallout, xbox updates, and networking solutions while geeking out on guns as usual.
Xbox Backwards Compatibility Vote
Nov 8, 2015
Episode 68 Nothing Stops a 12ga -This week the hosts discuss the upcoming time sink that will be Fallout 4, gun parts, upcoming LFD Research look into full autos, and some classic guns.
You can email the...
Nov 2, 2015
Episode 67 Trigger Talk - This week the hosts discuss handgun triggers and concealed carry pistols.
You can email the show with questions or comments...